
Using tools of mass media and video, Sharon Switzer examines the relationship between photography and the invisible: ghosts, time, things that photography shouldn't be allowed to capture but does.


Switzer has exhibited her media art in Canada and the U.S. since the early 1990s. Her work was included in the exhibition Oh, You Beautiful Doll at Andrea Meislin Gallery, NYC, 2006, and solo exhibitions of her video work were presented at Corkin Gallery, Toronto: Falling From Grace, 2006 and I Should Be Dreaming Of Butterflies, 2009. Her videos were featured as part of the Canadian Film Center’s Media Lab presentation at Scotiabank Nuit Blanche in 2010. In April 2011 Switzer was the Visiting Artist at the Center for Art Tapes in Halifax, NS, and participated in the Halifax Independent Filmmakers Festival with a large-scale public projection of her video animations. Her work has been showcased extensively at international art fairs including; Art Basel, VIP online Art Fair 2011 and Armory 2011 and 2012. 


Switzer is the founder and director of the Toronto Urban Film Festival (TUFF), that takes place each September and which she curates across Canada and around the world. Switzer taught new media and visual art in Ontario universities for eight years, including digital creation and curatorial courses at OCAD University over the past 5 years. She is actively involved in the Toronto arts community, presently serving as Vice President of Gallery TPW’s Board of Directors. Switzer has an MFA from the University of Western Ontario, is a Graduate of the Canadian Film Centre’s Media Lab.


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